Managing COVID-19 Anxiety: Facebook Live on April 6th at 8pm with Amanda Stern

Hello all. We are in the third, or is it fourth? week of COVID-19 shutdown, and I am sitting here in my pajamas—yes, today I’ve decided it’s a cupcake for breakfast and pjs kind of day after a long week. I am imagining how you all are and hoping that you are taking care of yourselves—maybe today is a pajama day for you too—that your spirits are as good as they can be, and that you are finding new ways to manage in these very challenging times.

And that is the challenge now—finding new ways to do the things we need to do. Flexibility is one of our most valuable resources as humans. Our ability to adapt is how we are all here. Especially in times where our old models for how to live—socialize, get groceries, do our jobs, educate our children—don’t work, we must bend so we don’t break! It can be exhausting to be on learning curves all the time, I feel that, myself! So please be patient with yourself and rest up whenever possible! While each of us can’t rely on those flexibility muscles being there for us every single second, when we come together as a community—we’ve got it covered.

What strikes me so much in these heavy times, in addition to the fear and sadness that we are all managing, is the many ways our flexibility is expressed. So much kindness and ingenuity and hopefulness too. The outpouring of concern, appreciation, and practical help for our front line medical community by sending masks and pizzas to hospitals, and putting out holiday lights, and even clapping to thank and honor front line medical personnel, and grocery workers—absolute heroes of this time keeping us going. Heartening stories of young people stepping up—3D printing mask parts for our front line medical personnel, this one from our friend’s son! Companies flexing to meet our changing needs like this sewing machine store in New York State switching operations to make needed face masks. Medical ingenuity and hope as in this very promising story of using antibodies from recovered COVID-19 patients to treat those critically ill: of 5 patients receiving treatment 3 were discharged from the hospital, 2 are now in stable condition. And uplifting creativity as in this gorgeous rendition of a Crosby Stills and Nash song, Helplessly Hoping recorded online by an Italian chorus in their respective homes during quarantine. I feel like I need to listen to it every day for a boost!

I wanted to share a great post from my colleague, Dr. Lynne Siqueland that she wrote for parents. Even if you don’t have the bandwidth to read it now—let her title be a mantra for all of us: Being Good Enough Right Now is OK. I am going to go further to say, it’s OK to not feel OK right now.

And… as always, I want to help you feel better, so I also wanted to let you know that I will be joining my great friend and colleague, Amanda Stern, mental health advocate and author of Little Panic, whom I wrote about a while back to do an #AMA (Ask Me Anything) #Anxiety in the age of #COVID-19 this Monday April 6th at 8 pm EST on Facebook Live. Please join us, send your questions. Just “like” my Facebook page and join the event to learn ways to manage anxiety and bolster each other in these hard times.

Many more ideas to come.  Meanwhile, I am sending my very best to you and your loved ones. Holding the vision— each of us, all of us—together, for better days ahead. With deep appreciation for your being such a vital part of my world—today and always, here’s to less worry all around.

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