Join me and Amanda Stern on Instagram Live first Tuesdays of the Month!

Hello readers,

I hope this finds you and your families feeling nourished by the change of seasons. Here in the US—spring is springing, and seeing things bloom—just about on schedule—is reassuring to me that while we continue to grapple with the ever-changing, ongoing upheaval and disruption of the past two years, signs of life, beauty, and continuity abound.

Something new springing up here, I am excited to announce a new monthly event with my friend in the anxiety world, whom you’ve met here before, mental health advocate and author of Little Panic, Amanda Stern. Amanda has an amazing weekly newsletter, How to Live, that you can sign up for here. I always look forward to reading Amanda’s deep dives into relevant topics each Wednesday. I highly recommend that you check it out. Meanwhile—I am honored to have been asked by Amanda to participate in a monthly Live Q and A event on Instagram on the first Tuesday of each month at noon EST launching this Tuesday, May 3, 2022!

I will be drawing on the work from my book, Freeing Yourself from Anxiety, as well as the library of posts that you can find here on my blog.

In these anxious times, we want to cultivate a community that recognizes the needs of this time and how we can all take care of ourselves and each other with ideas that work. Everyone deserves to know how to make themselves feel better. This is one of the greatest challenges we face now, and we will do it together. I hope you’ll join us and please share with any friends or colleagues who may be interested.

Meanwhile—I deeply appreciate your being here on this journey, and as always, here’s to less worry all around.

Dr. C
@tamarchanskyphd (My Instagram)
@alittlestern (Amanda’s Instagram)

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