Hello everyone. As we head into another week of at-home schooling, jobs, getting along, cooking, functioning, life, and for many a shelter in place ordinance, I am checking in to see how everyone is doing. This is a time of constant adjustment. “Adjusting to what?” as one teen poignantly said—”It’s always changing.” And that is what we are adjusting to: the idea that an increased amount of change and uncertainty is the new normal of life, and yes, though we must give ourselves time, we can adjust to that, too.
In these challenging times, I am reminded of the wise words of the beloved Fred (Mr.) Rogers: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'”
So, in this post, I am sharing a selection of stories of the helpers, the good news about our response to COVID19 and the kindness and ingenuity of the human spirit that made them possible. There are many more out there! Please share these with your kids, your coworkers, your friends, and let me know other stories you’ve heard about.
China closes makeshift COVID hospital as no new cases
Chinese medical workers finally can remove their masks!
Elon Musk says his company will make needed ventilators
Quick coronavirus testing is being developed
Individuals are figuring out how to 3D print and contribute needed medical parts and companies too
Distilleries are switching over to making needed hand sanitizer
Neighborhoods are putting out rainbow posters for kids to spot on socially distant walks
People are making masks for families and medical workers—if you’re a “maker” here’s how
Please take good care of yourselves, eat regularly, don’t stay up too late, and get up and move. Yes, you might just be walking around your apartment—but you’re moving, and we were built to move.
Never doubt the power of the human spirit to persevere and care for one another.
I am going to practice what I preach so I will blog here when I get a clearing. Otherwise for shorter quicker ideas—I’ll be sharing those on Instagram @tamarchanskyphd, and articles others write on Twitter: @freeingyourmind.
We are a strong community here, whatever you are feeling is safe and understood, we’ve got each other’s backs. Together we will edit our thoughts and keep our anxiety in check so it doesn’t get in the way of our smart planning and effective action and even our quality of life.
One more idea– After Pope Francis had called for a moment of prayer for global healing to connect at 9 pm a few days ago, I decided to have a moment of reflection and healing in our house every night at 9 pm. It feels so good to put the news down, the dishes down, the stress down, and breathe deeply and visualize healing and wholeness for all. Just that one minute goes a long way. I invite everyone to join in that moment each night at 9pm Eastern (or whenever you like) and feel the power of each of us centering and re-setting ourselves in the present: the place where we can do the most good.
We will get through this, together. Here’s to our good health, and less worry all around.
©2020 Tamar Chansky, Ph.D.